So you made it this far.? Welcome to my fucked up visual wet dream, I should be locked up for writing filth like this.

My name is Pervy typer and I’ve been exploring dirty visual novel games, There is some really good ones out there but most are really grindy, continuously going round in circles reading the same thing over and over again, seeing the same gif, same picture and most are of low quality and completely irrelevant, You find yourself getting to a good part and finally feel a twitch in your panties only to have to grind again to get to another scenario thats not repetitive, This is where I come in, This is not a game as such, More of a free roam visual novel where there is plenty to see and do with countless choices to choose from. This novel does use long duration gifs in premium mode and I only use high quality porn pictures in a comic style layout to keep it visually entertaining, It’s just constant fucking after dirty fucking and I bet you can’t last 5 minutes without blowing your pathetic load over your stinking hands, So enter this dark twisted fantasy world at your own risk and tell your other perverted friends about pervy typer’s “my little slut” But before you enter the story mode and free roam mode take the time to read each characters characteristics, I highly recommend that you do, Or if you just want to get on with the fucking wanking and abuse your sorry little self then just go ahead and click continue, Happy wanking douch bags.